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The RSR-72 type relay for re-start and reacceleration is deigned to perform the automatic motor restarting, after control and protection device opening, as a consequence of a momentary line voltage interruption or drop-out. The RSR-72 relays allow, after the stop of the motors, the automatic restart with a correct sequence depending of the working process.
FUNCTIONS The RSR-72 relay is used in association with an holding position contact.On the relay is possible to set a memory time from 0.4 to 60 seconds and a delay time from 0.4 to 1000 seconds.Anytime a voltage lack and subsequently the voltage restores within the memory time set the re-start motor output will beactivated after the delay set.If the voltage restores after the memory time, the automatic re-start willnot happen, while the voltage restores in a time less than 0.4 seconds, the motor will reaccelerate.If the reacceleration function is activated and the voltage go back in atime less than 0.2 seconds the motorwill reaccelerate immediately, if the reacceleration function is not activated after the delay time the motor will restart automatically.
MODELS RSR-72 circuits 230V 50÷60Hz
杭州嘉瑞电气有限公司 JR Electric(China) Co.,Ltd. 地址:杭州凤起东路8号江能大厦505/529室 邮编(Zip):310020 电话(Tel): 0571-86966638 传真(Fax):0571-86036013 E-mail:info@jre.com.cn Web:www.jre.com.cn